08 May 2009

my lucky number..

Lately, i almost got myself into a very emo situation but somehow i manage to grab myself through...haha... thanks to facebook, eventhough during this crisis yet boring time, whereby i dont do my usual things at usual moments, there's bound to have some tests or quizes for fun.... it's not the end of the world if you didnt get the exact moments that u want.

Your lucky number is 1! The number 1 is going to be lucky for you in the next few days....so watch out for anything related with this number!....Good Luck!

Damn you are a very fashionable person!!!.
You like to set new fashions,and trends,everyone wants the kind of clothes you have.You were born to be faboulsly fashionable.

Today's verse

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Bible verse which fits me best

Love the Lord your God with all your Heart... Love your neighbor...Matthew 22:37-38

You abound in love and compassion, even for those who may not deserve it.