27 March 2009
26 March 2009
Jalan Jalan Cari Angin =)
I guess i have disappeared too until when i log in to my messengers, so many urgent messages.....
Ever since my baybee is getting better, i felt a certain degree of relieves but things were not the same as before...
I never believe in the sihir or curses done by anybody... coz i only know this thing from games i have played before....
but it really really appear in the coarse eyes of ours...
well, for few days now, i'm trying my best to let go of our unhappiness during the attack of those ugly moments...
The best thing is baybee brought me to few smaller supermarkets in Brunei here... and things are much cheaper than the big supermarkets.... sigh.... the other way round for Miri side of supermarkets...coz small supermarkets in Miri provide more expensive things compared to big supermarkets.... it's totally the other way round in Brunei Bandar here....
Lol, if you want to come for strolls here, you are very welcomed to me as i can bring you to places which baybee had brought me...haha... fun.... I have seen many things produced in Malaysia but cannot be found in Miri (since it's in Malaysia, LOL) but available in Brunei though... and also many other things imported from all over the world...
And the further you went shopping away from Bandar itself, things are much more expensive... sound like network... kalau jauh, susah connect...haha...
16 March 2009
what if i never knew
what if i never found you
i'd never have this feeling in my heart
how did this come to be
i don't know how you found me
but from the moment i saw you
deep inside my heart i knew
baby you're my destiny
you and i were meant to be
with all my heart and soul
i give my love to have and hold
and as far as i can see
you were always meant to be my destiny
i wanted someone like you
someone that i could hold on to
and give my love until the end of time
but forever was just a word, just a word
something i'd only heard about
but now your always there for me
when you say forever i'll believe
baby you're my destiny
you and i were meant to be
with all my heart and soul
i give my love to have and hold
and as far as i can see
you were always meant to be my destiny
maybe all we need is just a little faith
cause baby i believe that love will find a way
baby you're my destiny
you and i were meant to be
with all my heart and soul
i give my love to have and hold
and as far as i can see
from now until eternity
you were always meant to be...
my destiny
You're My Destiny
15 March 2009
it's 3 a.m. in the morning already and i still cannot close my eyes even for a second... my feeling really mixed up... torn between missing my family with friendly moments and my true love...
there's dark secret which i really really dislike from the beginning already... when young, we obey our folks until as maturity takes over, we felt whatever teaching our parents trying to reach us, could not make any senses at all and we strayed further away from our folks whom once brought us up happily...
Whatever happened in this 'rough seas' of my life really hard printed on my brain clearly and unforgotten... things said cannot be unsaid, things done cannot be undone....
During our years of courtship, i truly in high spirit of love with baybee without caring the harshness of my family comments and commands...
Old friends and new friends came and go in my life but one principle i hold all this while, friends who are really dear to me, remains dearest to me...
Something has turned up and kept me in thinking....
Wonder why this thing came at this very moment....
09 March 2009
Last year Valentine

This is the bouquet i surprised sent to ESK last year Valentine to baybee Kev...before i realized he cheated on me...
Life's so unfair for me....coz this year no valentine gifts for me..... no wonder God let me feel His LOVE for me, by sending those lovely heart at my porridge during my critical sickness after the accident....
Jesus, i really love you because you are my sweet sweet lover now....Jesus, you ease my mind at the precise moments...
The fun is back.... yeah, being tagged...LOL
Last beverage → Plain water..
Last phone call → Baybee Kev..
Last text message → Baybee Kev..
Last song you listened to → Seasons by Ayumi
Last time you cried→ Yesterday at church, but no tears..
Dated someone twice → Dated Baybee Kev zillion times
Been cheated on → Yeap..by Baybee Kev...
Kissed someone & regretted it → Stolen Baybee Kev first kiss... no regret...coz he's shivered...
Lost someone special→ Yes..Baybee Kev but God reunite us back...Nande yo??
Fallen out of love → Several times, then kiss to make up....
Laughed until you cried → Just last week.... in brunei, beb..... surprise massive tickling by Baybee Kev...
Met someone who changed your life → Yeah... Changed my life alot..
Found out someone was talking about you → Always........
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? → God..
Do you have any pets → Yes....my fish bought from Pasar Kadayan...
Do you want to change your name → Soon... coz my name not listed in my birth cert... gotta reborn myself again...hahahaha.... just mentioned about it at last night outing....
What time did you wake up today → 0830 (Church)
What were you doing at midnight last night → Checking my FB.
Name something you cannot wait for → Big plans for this year..
The last time you saw your father→ Just now..
What's one thing you wish you could change→ My eyes, shall be blind, so that won't be hurt by Baybee Kev again...
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → Not yet..
What's getting on your nerves right now → Dissatisfaction
What's your name → Cynthia
Elementary/Primary School→ SRK Jalan Bintang..
Middle/Secondary School → SMB St. Columba..
High School → SMB St. Columba..
Hair color → Black..
Long or short → Long...
Are you a health freak → Yes....most of the time......
Righty or lefty → Righty.
First surgery → Noooo...never....
First piercing → 2 yrs ago.....
First best friend → LOVE...
First sport you joined → Dance..
First pet → Hamster which became carnivore and the last in da cage!
First vacation → When i was 5/6 yrs old
Eating → Nothing...
Drinking → Nope..
Waiting → Baybee Kev..
Want kids? → on progress?? rofl....
Want to get married?→ Yes...
Careers in mind? → Sweet sweet lover!
Kissed a stranger → Almost.....coz broken hearted...gone berserk that time....
Drank Wine/Beer/alcohol → Yeap!
Lost glasses/contacts → Never.....
Ran away from home → hmmm....
Broken someone's heart → several guys' hearts... Loving me but my heart has been captured by Baybee Kev....
Been arrested → by Baybee Kev
Cried when someone died → Form 3 classmate and beloved late grandmother.....
Yourself → 101%
Miracles → Yes...
Love at first sight → Yes...
Heaven → Yes...
Kiss on the first date→ Yes...
Angels → Yes.... two watching me writing now... hehehehe...... Jaci Velasquez - Unspoken - Track 2 (Jesus is... sweet sweet lover of my soul.....)
Is there one person you want to be with right now? → Baybee....
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → Nope....
Do you believe in God? → Yes.... =)
You're tagged, copy and do the same thing i did on your own blog
1) v1n
2) Fraudia
3) =4=
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