28 April 2010

Personality of Scorpio

Just for reading.... to get to know myself more.... not meant to believe but some are truthly blended with my personality....

God is still the great creator of this universe and mankind..... :)

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and represented by the scorpion. Scorpios are truly the contradicting sign. They can be the best and worst of both worlds - independent and clingy, loving and cold, authoritative and weak. Above all else, they are intense about almost everything.

Scorpios are often mysterious people because their true feelings run so deep and they keep their emotions hidden. They also like to uncover things under the surface of others and are very intuitive. Their intense desire to uncover things combined with their determination and loyalty make them great spiritual leaders, scientist, and doctors. They are very adaptable, often changing careers and going down new paths.

They can be strong willed and determined, almost to the point of being stubborn. This makes them great competitors, even if they are able to hide this desire to win from you. This also makes Scorpios very dominant, controlling and passionate. When they do not have a positive outlet for self-expression, they often turn inwards and become destructive.

When wronged, they do not easily forgive. It is almost as if the Scorpio sign invented the word "revenge." However, they just as easily never forget an act of kindness and are always ready to repay it. Scorpios are very loyal friends, but can be possessive. Scorpios are also conservative when it comes to money but when they do spend it; they know the right investments to make.

Brilliant Minds
Scorpios have a native understanding of humans and often show psychic tendencies. They are often interested in the mind and its potential powers. Scorpio is the sign of many of life's mysteries: birth, sex, death, and regeneration. They are willing to explore things others are afraid to look into such as different religions and the occult.

Scorpios are often a force to be reckoned with. They are passionate, committed and in the same turn, if you are an enemy, they can be just as intensely ruthless. Scorpios are so intense, there are few challenges they are not willing to meet. They will use any information at hand to beat competitors and do not hesitate to move in for the kill.

Because of their intensity, Scorpios can be jealous, possessive, and controlling. When mistreated, they will make it their objective to get revenge, even if it takes years. They like to keep their true emotions hidden from others, which causes people to perceive them as cold and uncaring.

Parts of the Body Ruled by Scorpio
The genitals - Because the genitals rule them, Scorpios are susceptible to venereal disease and urinary infections. They may also suffer from fatigue and bad health due to their explosive emotions.

Famous Scoprios

* Lucille Ball
* Henry Winkler
* Will Rogers
* Roy Rogers
* Richard Burton
* Katharine Hepburn
* Demi Moore
* Rodney Dangerfield


* Paul Simon
* Art Garfunkel
* John P. Sousa
* Bonnie Raitt
* Mahalia Jackson


* Jonas Salk
* Marie Curie
* Carl Sagan


* Pablo Picasso
* Voltaire
* Dylan Thomas
* Sylvia Plath
* Truman Capote
* Claude Monet
* Georgia O'Keeffe
* Kurt Vonnegut


* Prince Charles
* Marie Antoinette
* Bill Gates
* Hillary Rodham Clinton
* Michael Dukakis
* Rev. Billy Graham
* Indira Gandhi
* Robert Kennedy
* Gen. George Patton
* Martin Luther King
* James Garfield

Scorpios can be your best friend or worst enemy. They are loving and passionate, even if they seem cold on the surface. They are often driven by their intensity and are determined to do whatever they set their mind to.

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